. Institut für moderne Kunst Nürnberg


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Art und Inhalt
1. PersonSharmacharja, Shamita [Hrsg.]
2. PersonAltshuler, Bruce [Textverf.]
3. PersonBlazwick, Iwona [Textverf.]
4. PersonMerewether, Charles [Textverf.]
1. KörperschaftWhitechapel Art Gallery [Hrsg.]
TitelA Manual for the 21st Century Art Institution : A Room by Room Guide to the Contemporary Institution of the Future, this Collection of new Essays considers the Evolution of Gallery and Museum Practice
[upon the occasion of the opening of the expanded Whitechapel Gallery, London, April 2009]
Band/DatumKoenig Books
Umfang/Seiten183 S.
KörperschaftenWhitechapel Art Gallery
Signatur2 AAA / 09 / idt35671

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